Cat Litter Fertilizer Granulation Plant

catter litter pellets

Now more and more people keep cats, so the demand for cat litter is also increasing. This has attracted many manufacturers to invest in this project. But how to produce cat litter pellets? In fact, its production process is very similar to that of compound fertilizer. Because most of the raw materials for cat litter granulation are bentonite, the process is basically the same as the production of compound fertilizer. For this, the cat litter fertilizer granulation plant you deserve. No matter what equipment you need, SX can fully meet your needs.


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Breaking News

In order to thank our customers for choosing SX cat litter equipment, we have launched a major event. As long as you purchase an SX disc granulator, we will give away a cat litter formula worth a thousand dollars. There are five types of cat litter formula for your choice. If you are interested in this event, please contact us.

  • Ordinary Environmentally Friendly Bentonite Cat Litter: does not contain other chemical ingredients and is better for cats and the environment

  • Scented Bentonite Cat Litter

  • Granular Scented Bentonite Cat Litter

  • High-quality Cat Litter (added silica gel)

  • New Green Tea Cat Litter

How to Choose Materials for your Cat Litter Fertilizer Manufacturing?

For cat litter preparation, the first step is material selection. For this, there are two items you need to focus on when choosing the materials for cat litter fertilizer production.

Cat Litter Fertilizer Making Materials Types

Cat litter making, is prepare fertilizer which contains two types of materials-organic and inorganic material.

Organic Material

If you want to make cat litter pellets with rich organic matter. You can use sawdust, confetti, grain, bean curd, cornmeal and pine wood, etc as material.

Inorganic Material

When you want to increase the inorganic content of your cat litter fertilizer. Bentonite, zeolite and silica gel are excellent options for you.

Cat Litter Preparation Materials Shape

Provide you plan to produce cat litter fertilizer with fertilizer granulation plant, we recommend you choose powder chemical materials.

What Can you Do to Upgrade your Cat Litter Fertilizer Making Line?

If you want to make cat litter fertilizer in a simple manner, you only need to buy batching machine and granulation equipment. However, provided you plan to upgrade this cat litter pellets manufacturing system, you also need to purchase machines as follows:

Batching machine can feed raw materials according to your requirements. Therefore, you can produce cat litter pellets according to local material conditions.

Crusher is widely used in grinding agglomerated into fine powder. It is beneficial for the batching and granulation of cat litter pellets production.

Mixer can help you mix various raw materials evenly. Which is the secret of preparing of cat litter fertilizer with a balanced nutrient content.

Dryer and Screener

Dryer can remove excessive moisture to 15%-20%. After drying, screener can separate the cat litter pellets you need from the unqualified. Then you can return the qualified products to reprocess.

Coating Equipment and Cooler

Coating machine can add white gypsum powder to your cat litter pellets. Which have strong water absorption and can prevent sticking and nutrient loss. Then you can cool the finished fertilizer.

Packaging Machine

This is the final step of cat litter fertilizer making. After processing with our automatic bagging machine, you can transport, store and sell your cat litter pellets in an easily way.

How many types of granulators are suitable for making cat litter fertilizer?

In order to make cat litter fertilizer easier to transport, store and sell, most cat litter plants prefer to process cat litter fertilizer into pellets. For this, it is essential to buy suitable granulation equipment. Here, we recommend you choose the following three compound fertilizer granulation machines. Pan granulation, rotary drum pelletizer, double roller granulator and flat die granulator.

Disc Granulator for Small Scale Cat Litter Fertilizer Granulation

Provided you need a small scale granulation machine for cat litter fertilizer processing, disc pelletizer is an excellent choice for you. It has a capacity of 1-6t/h, which can fully meet your requirements of small scale capacity. In addition, because it relies on inclination angle of disc and spraying device to granulate cat litter pellets. The final cat litter pellets have a higher hardness, which makes it more convenient for use.

Rotary Drum Pelletizer for Large Scale Cat Litter Fertilizer Particles Manufacturing

When it comes to large scale cat litter fertilizer granulation, we recommend you choose rotary drum granulator. Using it, you can even prepare 30 tons of cat litter fertilizer granules an hour. Moreover, with designs of rubber lining, clean holes and lift plates, it can produce cat litter fertilizer with less sticking. That is , long service, less material waste and higher granule making efficiency.

cat litter fertilizer rotary drum granulator

Double roller granulator for low content moisture material pelleting

The above two granulators both adopt wet granulation method, which uses liquid as binder to enhance the cohesive force between materials. But is there a pelletizer of dry fertilizer granulation? For this, SX can offer you double roller granulation equipment. It mainly relies on the extrusion force of two rollers to make materials into cat litter fertilizer particles. It is nearly no water involved. So you don’t need to buy dryer and cooler for double roller fertilizer granulation line. Then this machine also can greatly reduce your budget for granular cat litter fertilizer manufacturing.

Flat Die Granulator for Tofu Cat Litter Pellets Production

When you want to buy equipment for producing tofu cat litter pellets as tofu or cornmeal as raw material, we recommend you choose our flat die granulator. Because this machine is also called feed pellet machine. It can produce granules that other granulators cannot. In addition, if you use this equipment to produce tofu cat litter fertilizer, you don’t need to dry and cool after granulation. Because it belongs to dry granulation, this process can not only save costs, but also have high efficiency in producing granules. What’s more, it produces the tofu cat litter pellets that is environmentally friendly and can be condensed for easy cleaning. And no dust, non-toxic, harmless to cats and people.

Cat Litter Pellet Mill for Sale

What is the price of cat litter fertilizer granulation plant?

In the process of choosing production line for your cat litter fertilizer making plant, price must is an item you are interested in. You can know the detailed design and price of fertilizer production line from the following:

1-3 t/h disc fertilizer granulation line price

The 1-3 t/h disc fertilizer granulation line is worth about $10,000-$130,000. It is more suitable for small scale and low cost cat litter fertilizer preparation. In addition, if you want to start a 1-3 t/h granular cat litter fertilizer making, you also need to spend money on factory area rent. For 1-3 t/h disc fertilizer granulation line, you should prepare an area of 800-1,200㎡ (about 0.19-0.29 acre).

disc cat litter fertilizer granulation line
  • Model: 1-3 t/h disc cat litter fertilizer granulation line

  • Budget: $10,000-$130,000

  • Configuration: SXFLF-600 new type vertical crusher, batching machine, SXWJ-7015 horizontal mixer, SXYZ-2800 disc granulator, drum dryer, drum cooler, coating machine, granule screen and granular fertilizer packager, belt conveyor and so on (Depend on actual conditions).

  • Occupied Land Area:800-1,200㎡(about 0.19-0.29 acre)

How much does this 5-10 t/h double roller fertilizer pelleting system?

The price of a 5-10 t/h cat litter fertilizer pelleting system usually is $20,000-$150,000. Then in general, this production line will occupy an area of 1,200-1,500㎡ (about 0.29-0.37 acre). If you want to use it produce medium scale cat litter fertilizer, you can buy a double roller granulation line, it doesn’t need to spend money on dryer and cooler. So you can finish cat litter fertilizer making at a lower cost. You need to prepare $20,000-$150,000 to purchase this line.

double roller cat litter fertilizer granulation plant
  • Model: 5-10 t/h double roller cat litter fertilizer pelleting system

  • Budget: $20,000-$150,000

  • Configuration: SXFLF-800 new type vertical crusher, batching machine, SXPJ-2200 disc mixer, double roller granulator, rotary sieving machine and granular fertilizer packing machine, belt conveyor and so on(Depend on actual conditions).

  • Occupied Land Area: 1,200-1,500㎡(about 0.29-0.37 acre)

What is the cost of this 10-20 t/h rotary drum fertilizer making line?

If you want to set up a large scale cat litter fertilizer manufacturing plant, you can choose rotary drum pelleting line. A complete rotary drum granule making system is worth about $300,000-$450,000. In addition, you need to prepare a 1,500-3,000㎡ site to install the entire cat litter fertilizer production line. Using rotary drum pelletizer in your granular cat litter fertilizer production process can not only enlarge your fertilizer plant capacity, but also reduce the consumption of energy.

cat litter rotary drum granulation plant
  • Model: 10-20 t/h rotary drum cat litter fertilizer making line

  • Budget: $300,000-$450,000

  • Configuration: SXFLF-1000 vertical compost crusher, dynamic batching machine, SXWJ-1630 horizontal mixer, SXZGZ-3210 drum granulator, drum dryer, cooler, coating machine, rotary sieving machine and granular fertilizer packing machine, belt conveyor and so on (Depend on actual conditions).

  • Occupied Land Area: 1,500-3,000㎡(about 0.37-0.74 acre)

How to produce cat litter granules with the required size?

Then for particle size, if you want to make cat litter granules with a diameter of 1 to 2 mm. For this, we recommend you choose disc granulation machine, it can meet your requirements of preparing 1-8 mm cat litter fertilizer pellets. But how to adjust the size of final cat litter granules you produce? For pan granulation, there are two methods:

How to Prevent Dust in the Process of Producing Cat Litter Pellets?

In the process of producing cat litter pellets, dust will inevitably be generated and affect the production environment. We design different solutions to deal with dust in the early and late stages of granulation.

dust collector for machine and belt conveyor

In the Early Stages of Granulation

A lot of dust will also be generated in the production before granulation. Especially easier to produce in the crushing process. So how to solve this problem? We design the dust cover. Installing a dust cover on the equipment used can effectively prevent dust from spreading.

In the Late Stages of Granulation

After wet granulation, you need to dry and cool. But there will be dust during the drying process, so how to solve it? We have designed dust collectors, which are cyclone dust collector, water curtain dust collector and bag filter dust collector. The most commonly used is water curtain dust collector, which can fully collect trace powder and maintain the production environment.

dust collector for produce cat litter

How to Make Unfinished Cat Litter Pellets in Fertilizer Granulation Plant?

Unfinished cat litter is bentonite small fragments pellets, you can buy the finished product directly. However, the finished product has different particle sizes, and the quality has not been screened. If it is sold directly, the effect will not be good. So we recommend that you can first transport the material to the screening machine through the feeder and belt conveyor for sieving. You can sieve out bad quality and variable size particles. The last remaining good pellets you can pack directly. In addition, the production process of this kind of cat litter is very simple, but the dust is relatively large. We can also solve this problem. You can add a dust cover as mentioned above.

What do you need to tell us if you want to buy a cat litter fertilizer granulation plant?

If you are interested in cat litter fertilizer production line or cat litter fertilizer machine or you want to buy other fertilizer equipment. You can contact us to tell us some information about you or your company. The more information we know, the better design project we can provide you. It includes your country, materials, capacity, factory space, which fertilizer production line or equipment you need, etc. In addition, you need to tell us your name, telephone number and email. So we can contact you for further discussion. We will design an ideal layout according to your requirements.

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