Cat litter can be used to bury cat excrement very well, and it is an indispensable daily necessities for cat lovers. But how to produce cat litter? As a professional fertilizer equipment manufacturer, SX can also provide you with suitable projects. This is similar to the production of fertilizer. And we have had many successful cases. For example, on 14th June 2023, a client from Vietnam inquired about cat litter production. The following are the specific details of communication in this case.

cat litter fertilizer pellets

Senior Granulator Design Engineer

Choose one granulator for making fertilizer

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How to Make Cat Litter Pellets in Fertilizer Granulation Plant?

Customer from Vietnam wanted to reduce cost and return rate of the pan granulation. So we first introduced him to the basic production principles, and then expanded the details.

disc granulation cat litter fertilizer making plant

First, he can pretreat them with bentonite, kaolin and white clay as raw materials. Batching these materials according to the needs of customers and then crushing and mixing them. After processing the material, he can granulate. Customer can choose a suitable granulator according to their needs. Finally, drying and cooling the produced cat litter before packaging.

This is the basic production step, if the customer has additional requirements, we will make corresponding adjustments.

How to Reduce the Return Rate of the Disc Granulator And Production Costs?

Based on the above production principles, customers need to adjust the details if they want to reduce the return rate and cost. When the customer chooses the disc granulator to granulate in the production line:

How to Change the Hardness of Pellets And the Color of Pellets’ Outer Layer in Vietnam?

Customer from Vietnam wanted to change the hardness of pellets. So we recommend him to configure the coating machine for powdering after granulating. This machine will spread a layer of powder on the surface of the granules, which can not only prevent the agglomeration of the granules, but also lock the nutrients inside the granules well to prevent loss and moisture due to long-term storage. So that improving the overall firmness.

coating machine for cat litter

And he also wanted to change the color of pellets’ outer layer. So we recommend him to configure the coating machine after drying. Customer can add gypsum agent in the coating machine, wrap a layer of gypsum on the outer layer of the particles, and adjust the color according to the customer’s preference.

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